No since the suppository is absorbed through the rectal mucosa.
Dont Drink It, Dont Go To The Bathroom, And Last Of All Dont Use The Water. Your Welcome
AWW CUMMON!! you dont know this?!! the BATHROOM??!!! OF COURSE!!
Through their bum
Well my dogs use the puppy pads you get at Walmart and i leave it on a place they usually go to the bathroom on so they go on the pad and if you dont want them to go to the bathroom while you are gone put them in a cage with their beds because a dog never goes to the bathroom on their bed
you dont necesaarily need to use the bathroom, you might want to or feel like you want to basicalyy people go to the bathroom alot not to use it but to change it
yes you should so you dont have to touch things with your bare hands
i dont no
I dont know but Maybe next time you go shopping or go out go to a bathroom shop or a soap shop and they might give you the awnser
Well i dont know whats in it, and i really dont know why it makes you need to go. I would just say its a instinct!
You will go to the bathroom when you are ready to. I hope you make it peaceful.
go to the bathroom