If a guy says he likes you but doesn't keep in touch with you he might have a good reason but if he doesn't you're just back up. He might have his eyes on another girl.
Well just do stuff that he likes and be more lovable around him until he says he loves you (but dont keep asking him "do you love me"). Just hang in there and someday he will say "i love you" !!!
it means he likes you. dont over analize anything a guy says
When someone says that "We'll keep in touch", he or she is likely wanting to stay in touch. However, it could be that a close relationship is not wanted.
that means he likes you so dont mess it up ;)
If she says she likes you, then why are you confused? Hit it and quit it man
when i open my facebook it says code when i do my code it says wrong i dont no what to do
It means he wants to keep communicating with you.
Be supper awesome to him and be nice and keep your mind open to anything he says. like if he says maybe next week dont say but why!! how about this week or tomorrow.. that will tell him off
it means he is not ready for you. dont talk to him. leave him be. he will only use you to keep himself busy
He really really likes you
ask her out!And keep doing it until she says yes
trust me just talk to her but dont push yourself on her and if she likes you it will work out...