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The testes are two oval shaped male reproductive glands that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH).

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βˆ™ 9y ago

They produce the hormone testosterone. It is the male sex hormone

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βˆ™ 9y ago

It is the male hormone. Hormone is called testosterone.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: What hormones do the testis produce?
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What are the hormones that puberty cause iluk7i7yukgfkryfkukfuj76ijhffn7ur67urtut67?

The brain sends signal to the adrenal glands to produce hormones. Also testis produce a lot of testosterone and in females its oestrogen

What does testis do in male's body?

The function of the testicles or testis is to produce sperm and hormones. For more detailed info visit:

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The two principal functions of the testis are to produce sperm through spermatogenesis and to produce male sex hormones, primarily testosterone.

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To produce sex cells and hormones specific to the gender.. Then this is released through the cloaca. Hope this helps :)

What are the events that lead to puberty?

Firstly, the brain signals the glands to produce more hormones . this leads to the increase in size of testis and other organs.

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What is produced in the testis?

The testis produce the male androgen testosterone.

What hormone is produced in the testis?

The testis produce the male androgen testosterone.

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What happens in the different stages of puberty?

Firstly, the brain triggers the pituitary triggers the adrenals to produce a lot of hormone. The testis and ovaries produce their hormones. This causes various physical changes to take place in the body.

How many hormones secreted through testis?

Two: Testosterone and Inhibin.

What is the sequence of the release of hormones in puberty is?

firstly the pituitary releases hormones. then the adrenals do it. then the testis release testosterone which drives puberty.