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Q: What hormone is secreted during sleep?
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Which hormone assists in development and is secreted during sleep?

Growth hormone is the hormone that assists in development and is primarily secreted during deep sleep, particularly in the early hours of the night. It plays a crucial role in growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration.

What influences sleep wake cycles?

The hormone melatonin, which is secreted by the pineal gland.

What influence sleep-wake cycle?

The hormone melatonin, which is secreted by the pineal gland.

What is adrenlinie?

Its a hormone secreted by adrenal glands. Its secreted during anxiety and excitement. It secreted when ACTH hormone is secreted by pituitary gland in brain. chemically, it is sterol(=steroid) i.e. Derivative of lipids.

What is the medical term meaning hormone secreted by the testes?

The medical term for the hormone secreted by the testes is testosterone.

What hormone promotes reabsorstion of water?

That is andeuratic hormone. ADH. It is secreted by posterior pituitary.

Which hormone plays a role in the regulation of our 'biological clock'?

It is the hormone thymosin. It is secreted by thymus.

The hormone that causes the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

That is hormone gastrin. It is secreted by stomach

90 percent of the secreted thyroid hormone is?

The majority of secreted thyroid hormone is T4 - the storage hormone.

Which hormone causes the cells in bones and muscles to lengthen?

It is the growth hormone. It is secreted by anterior pituitary.

What hormone promotes total body growth?

Growth hormone affects the body growth. It is secreted by anterior pituitary.

What hormone is responsible for osteoclasts?

The parathyroid hormone. Also called as parathormone. This hormone is secreted by parathyroid glands.