Endorphines affect happiness. Their release causes the sensation of feeling good (a natural high).
a hormone is a chemical which controls body functions. These chemicals are released by glands.
It is an endocrine (released within the body to affect other distant tissues) hormone that lowers blood glucose.
Growth hormone is produced and released in the body, allowing for the hormone to interact with a number of other cells and organs in the body. It stimulates cell reproduction and general growth.
Once a hormone is released into the bloodstream from the pituitary gland, it can reach every part of the body quite quickly, usually within a matter of minutes. The circulation system efficiently carries the hormone to all tissues and organs, allowing for rapid distribution throughout the body.
This hormone is released during stress by adrenal medulla. This hormone gears up your body for fight or flight response.
Adrenaline or epinephrine is a hormone released from the adrenal glands and its major action, together with noradrenaline, is to prepare the body for fight or flight.
It is released by pitutory.It secrets the hormone
Happiness was released on 10/16/1998.
Thyroid Hormone
The hormone that functions to increase metabolism in the body is called thyroid hormone.