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Q: What hormone helps you react quickly in dangerous situation?
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What is the name of the hormone that helps the body retain fluid?

Antidiuretic Hormone

Which hormone helps in growth of height?

Human growth hormone (or just growth hormone).Cortisol

What hormone can you use to bring in breast milk?

The prolactin hormone helps in producing milk.

What hormone increases the most in the second half of the menstrual cycle?

i believe its Luteninizing hormone :) hope that helps

What is function of melatonin?

Is a hormone that helps to regulate sleep.

How does good leadership effect the outcomes of a situation?

When someone is a leader, they are able to take control and organize a situation. Instead of immediate pandemonium and panic breaking out, a leader makes sure everyone stays calm and efficient. Good leaders have a aura around them that says, "Trust me, and things will get done quickly and well." That feeling in a situation that could be harmful or dangerous, like a natural catastrophe aftershock, helps keep people safe and helps them think clearly. Not everyone can be a leader, so many people are followers. This is not a derogatory term, merely a definition. Some people just function easier when they are told what to do. If these sorts of people don't have a leader to tell them what to do, situations can get sticky fast. So good leadership usually helps prevent a situation from getting out of hand. Also, good leadership helps to not make mountains out of molehills with small problems that can be solved with little argument but the potential for disruption is there. That is why good leadership helps in any situation.

Which hormone helps us to react to fight or flight?


Which hormone released by the placenta during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters helps to sustain the pregnancy?

That hormone is called as progesterone. Placenta starts to produce this hormone from the first trimester only.

Which of the following hormones helps the body avoid dehydration and water overload?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, helps regulate water balance in the body by controlling the amount of water reabsorbed by the kidneys. It helps prevent dehydration by reducing urine output when the body needs to conserve water, and it prevents water overload by increasing urine output when there is an excess of water in the body.

Progesterone hormone is important in fertilization because it does what?

Progestrone is a important drug it helps in the ovulation and helps for the pregnancy.

Hormone helps control blood pressure by reducing the amount of water that is excreted through the kidneys?

ADH(anti diuretic hormone)

What posterior pituitary hormone regulates h20?

ADH, or antidiuretic hormone, is a posterior pituitary hormone (actually produced in the hypothalamus) that helps keep our kidneys from excreting too much water.