

What hormone gives you energy?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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the hormone that gives you energy is your sex hormone.

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Q: What hormone gives you energy?
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What hormone gives the body extra energy?

Hormones do not themselves give any energy (they are not energy containing molecules), they are messenger molecules. The hormone that prepares the body for fight or flight is "adrenalin".

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Thyroid hormone is the hormone that controls how each cell in the body metabolizes energy.

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The hormone is called testosterone , it makes sperm also !

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The male hormone brings the secondary sexual characteristics during puberty. It gives growth and muscles too.

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Sun light is not a hormone.It is an energy.

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If by energy you mean heat energy exothermic reactions.

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The hormone adrenaline is responsible for creating a rush of excitement by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and energy levels in response to a perceived threat or excitement.