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Hook me up means -when your friend likes someone, and there to shy or nervous to tell that person themself.

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Q: What hook me up really mean?
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What does hook up mean?

Hook up can mean several things. For example. Hook up could mean that you ran into an old friend and the two of you hooked up for the night. It could also mean that you are going to hook something on a wall and off the floor where it's in the way all the time. It could also mean that you met a lady or a lady met a man and the two of them hooked up for the evening or night.AnswerConnect or link up.

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I look as it you guys arestarting" to hook up. but you both are still single.

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it mean a connect/hook up for the low

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who really knows that! i mean really! the only people who know that is soulja boy himself and or ashlee!

What does it mean to hook up with someone?

to go out..da

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if you mean hook up as in"ask out" then be like yo wadap, wana go out wtih me?

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"Hooking up" can mean different things to different people. For instance: * It can mean "catch you later" - "let's hook up later" * It can refer to beginning to date - "the two of them hooked up and are together" * It can refer to fool around or sex - "they hooked up last night after the party"

Can you hook up your psp up to a wii?

I don't see why not. You just hook up the PSP to the back of the Wii using a USB cord. Though, this won't really do anything.

What does it mean when the guy you had a one night stand with wants to hook up again?

it obviously means that he does not really care about you, he is horny and that they just want someone easy to do