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You can finger a girl in the vagina (if you know where it is) if you want but she will appreciate you more if you can find and finger her clitoris (clit). This is the tiny knob found at the top of her labia.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The whole that doen't have pee coming out when going to the bathroom!

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Q: What hole do you put your finger in to figer yourself?
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put your thumb on the bottom hole and your middle finger on the second and lift your pointer finger off the first hole.

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How funny lol! Smell ur finger one hole smells like pooh and the othe one smells like fish.....

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Middle finger on the second hole and no thumb

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You put your middle finger on the second hole with your thumb on the hole in the back then blow soft air.

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Your thumb on the back hole and your other on the a but do not put your pionter finger on they whole putyour middle finger on it.

Is it bad to put finger in virgins?

Yes because u can get yourself an std

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(On a C recorder) Put your thumb over the thumb hole and cover up the top hole on the front with your pointer finger.

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