

What helps you sleep better?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Tryptophan helps people sleep; yogurt, and peanuts are high in tryptophan. Also try to sleep on your side and breath from your mouth if you have a cold. Hope this helps, Bye.

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Both A and B or Exercise a few hours before bedtime helps us relax so we sleep better at night and Intense workouts make our bodies tired, so sleep comes easier.

Why does exercise help sleep better?

For me personally it just keeps me in shape and my entire body feels better. The better shape you are in physically helps you relax more when it's time. Plus, all depending on when you workout/exercise (6pm-7pm) that can really help you sleep mainly if you 'hit the sack' at/around 10pm. Exercise a few hours before bedtime helps us relax so we sleep better at night. Intense workouts make our bodies tired, so sleep comes easier. ***For Apex -- Both A and B

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Why does exercise help us sleep better?

For me personally it just keeps me in shape and my entire body feels better. The better shape you are in physically helps you relax more when it's time. Plus, all depending on when you workout/exercise (6pm-7pm) that can really help you sleep mainly if you 'hit the sack' at/around 10pm. Exercise a few hours before bedtime helps us relax so we sleep better at night. Intense workouts make our bodies tired, so sleep comes easier. ***For Apex -- Both A and B

Does the color purple help you sleep better?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the color purple specifically helps improve sleep quality. However, soft, soothing colors such as blues and greens may create a more relaxing environment conducive to better sleep. Ultimately, individual preferences for colors and their impact on sleep may vary.

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it helps you sleep better

Can listening to different types of music before you sleep affect how long you sleep?

yes rock really loud helps sooth you to sleep. Rock helps soothe people to sleep, but there are more calming styles of music that helps soothe one to sleep.