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Black lung, hearing issues, and Asthma


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Q: What health problems were generated mine labor?
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What is the health and safety regulations on mining?

The health and safety regulations on mining in the US are issued by the Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA), and agency of the US Department of Labor..

What is the title of the official responsible for health and safety in coal mines?

In the United States, the official responsible for health and safety in coal mines is the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, or, perhaps, that person's boss, the US Secretary of Labor.

What health issues were generated by mine work in the industrial rev.?

Mostly it generated bad backs from the women, men and children who had to carry or uphaul the coal to other levels to be transported to other areas of the country for further use.

Which federal agency is responsible for setting workplace health and safety standards?

The US Department of Labor is responsible for setting workplace health and safety standards. Its agencies include OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration)

Who supported labor in the united mine workers' strike in 1902?

Theodore Roosevelt supported labor in the united coal mine workers.

What is the Coal industry labor organization?

United Mine workers

When was the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act passed?

The US Congress passed the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (CMHSA) in 1969.

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I just had mine replaced. Cost was $205.00 with labor. Air still isn't working I just had mine replaced. Cost was $205.00 with labor. Air still isn't working

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What executive department manages policies that ensure occupational safety?

In the United States the federal level executive department tasked with managing policies that ensure occupational safety is the Department of Labor where, OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and MSHA, the Mine Safety and Health Administration, are located.

What is the coal industry labor org?

United Mine Workers of America (UMW).

What is the health and safety officer in a UK mine called?

a deputy