William Wilberforce was from and born Hull, England
William Wilberforce was his full name
William Wilberforce was born on August 24, 1759.
Wilberforce's health declined further and he suffered a severe attack of influenza from which he never fully recovered http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wilberforce
Elizabeth Wilberforce
Robert and Elizabeth Wilberforce.
William Wilberforce was born on 24 August 1759.
Henry William Wilberforce was born on 1807-09-22.
Henry William Wilberforce died on 1873-04-23.
William Wilberforce died on July 29, 1833 at the age of 73.
There is no known author named William Wilberforce Marple. It may be a fictional or unknown author.
William Wilberforce was born on 24 August 1759 in Hull, Britain. by axel