Probably none. Food can have nutritional information on the package but not health claims. That would be under the drug guidelines of the FDA and not the food ones.
If you eat this your a fatty!
Vita Plus is marketed as a nutritional food supplement with a bunch of vitamins, minerals and other stuff that claims to be good for you.
Health Claims
A series of unqualified health claims on food labels
Economics determines what food products will be processed and marketed. If there is a demand for a food, then food companies will produce it.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues guidelines about putting nutrients or health claims on a food label.
yes.......this has been marketed and produced for the pet food industry. Logic dictates that if your pet can eat it, you can too.
Any health food store will have it, and many supermarkets also have a section of "health food" grains and such. Even the podunk supermarket in my tiny town sells spelt flour in one pound packages.
Clarence Birdseye first marketed frozen spinach on March 6, 1930.
Because it just is
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