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Q: What have you learned from breath eyes memory?
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Can you breath with your eyes?

No,it is impossible to breath with our eyes

How a pond snail is adapted to pond life?

They have eyes to breath on

Why does Sophie keep pulling the sheets over her head in the book breath eyes memory?

Sophie pulls the sheets over her head in "Breath, Eyes, Memory" as a form of coping mechanism to shield herself from painful memories and traumatic experiences. This action represents her desire to escape from the harsh realities of her past and create a sense of security and comfort for herself in the present.

What can you hold with out touching?

Your breath. Take a dump.

What are Supermans gadgets?

Superman does not need gadgets like batman. He has super powers. He has super strength, speed, vision, and hearing. Lazer eyes, the ability to fly, freeze breath, heat vision, x-ray vision, super breath (different from freeze breath), and amazing memory. :)

When learned material is reproduced with out any manipulation it is called what memory?

whole memory

How are theorems learned?

By understanding. And failing that, by memory.

What noun is memory a thing or idea?

The noun 'memory' is a word for a thing (an abstract thing); a word for the process of recalling what has been learned; the store of things learned and kept in the mind.

Is it possible to breath out of your eyes?

Im gOnna say no

Which type of memory includes most of what you learned in school?


What is the correct recall of information previously learned?

Recognition Memory

What are learned behaviors of a ladybug?

A ladybug is born knowing how to sleep,breath, and swallow