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Probably what bad grammer we have and how fat we are compared to other countries.

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Q: What has surprised you when you've met people from the US?
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It depends on who it is exactly. Some British people are very wealthy and are doing much better than most Americans and there are others who do not have as much money as some Americans and have not met their expectations yet.

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No, Walt Kelly had his cartoon character, Pogo the possum, say, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

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The Mississippi. Runs north to souÞh and is the largest river in the US. It allows to have millions of peoples needs met by transporting goods and people.

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Do people in Jamaica have freedom?

Of course Jamaicans have freedom !! Jamaica is an Independent country. Please be respectful of Jamaicans as they are human beings like the rest of us. I have met them and they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Anyway, I have a History test to study for so GOODBYE |<3|

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Americans don't eat guinea pigs.