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Your penis cause u never wipe it when u are done peeing.

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Q: What has more germs your hand or your penis?
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What has more germs your hand or your penis because i once was told by my brother that you have more germs on your hands and if anything you should wash your hands BEFORE you touch your penis?

Think of it this way: What do you use more during the day? Your penis, or your hands? If you choose penis, I think you may have a problem.

Which kills more germs hand sanatizer or liquid soap?

Hand sanitizer.

How many germ are there in hands?

there are more than 5000 germs on your hand

How many germs are on the human hand?

there are 400000000000000 germs on human hand and it can varie

How many germs are actually on your penis?

27.9 billion

How many germs are on your hand at any given time?

There are approximately 5,000 germs on your hand at any given time

Can human poop germs be killed on tile floor with hand sanitizer?

Yes, as the alcohol in hand sanitizer kills germs.

Why must you use hot water and soap when washing your hand?

because hot water kills more germs than washing it with cold water soap is also needed to kill more germs

Do hand dryers give off more germs than drying you're hands with a paper towel?

Yes, hand dryers do give off more germs than a paper towel. This is because you have to press the button to activate the hand dryer. And every other person touches the button too which means more germs. Due to the mechanics of hand dryers, they're generally considered to be virtually germ-free. You can push the button with an elbow or wrist instead of your hand, if the dryer isn't activated by motion. Some paper towel dispensers are activated by motion as well, but while these are a step up from the old hand-crank style, the towlettes are still made of organic material and tend to harbor germs from whoever touches them. If the spread of germs truly concerns you, choose the air dryer with confidence (they're more environmentally friendly, too).

Are there more germs on a house fly or on a human hand?

There are typically more germs on a house fly than on a human hand. House flies can carry and transmit a variety of pathogens by landing on and feeding on organic materials. In comparison, while human hands can also harbor germs, they are usually lower in quantity and diversity compared to those found on flies.

Is there more germs on your hand than on your feet?

Yes, because of everything you pick up, touch, and feel throughout the day you are picking up all of the germs on whatever you touch.

How many germs are there on a hand at any given time?

At any given time, a human hand may contain as many as 5,000 germs.