Increased blood acidity will raise the chances of developing cancer and inflammations in the body. There is a normal level of blood acidity, beyond this an array of diseases may take place in your organism.
You might die
To the best of my knowledge, blood becomes less acidic because more CO2 is removed from the alveoli through breathing. To understand this, you need to know how gas exchange mechanism in your body works. First off, when you breath, gas exchange occurs in lung's alveoli (little sacs in your lungs). The O2 that is breathed in will replace the CO2 in the blood cells. The CO2 is then pushed to the alveoli and gets blown off as you exhale. Now, how is CO2 related to blood acidity? - In the blood, CO2 and H2O react with each other to form H2CO3 (carbonic acid). See how it works now? This carbonic acid makes your blood more acidic when presence. So what happens if you breath harder and rapider? - More CO2 gets blown off. When more CO2 is removed from the circulation, the lower the H2CO3 is produced by the reaction between CO2 and H2O, the more pH increases, and the blood is less acidic. And as the CO2 level becomes too low, and the blood is too alkaline; the action reverses.
If the pH in the blood is too low (acidic), a condition called acidosis occurs. This can disrupt normal body functions and lead to symptoms such as confusion, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Severe acidosis can be life-threatening if not corrected promptly.
It causes the air to be dry, and it gets warmer.
It will fall into the black hole. The same happens if something gets too close the Sun, for example - it will fall into the Sun.
Humans use carbon dioxide to keep their blood balanced so it is not too acidic or too bacic
The first thing that happens when the body gets too hot is it beings to sweat. This provides immediate cooling which begins controlling body temperature.
"When the music gets too intense" is an incomplete sentence. You need to answer the "when" portion. What happens? When the music gets too intense, I have to leave the room.
The tiny capillaries, which are normally too small to be seen, fill with blood - making them more visible, This makes the face appear red.
I have no idea too mines banned too :(
Nervous impulses sent to muscles generate extra metabolic heat through shivering. Otherwise, your blood vessels transport warm blood from the internal organs to our , cold, skin, then your blood will lose heat.