If you spray body spray on under your arm pits your arm pits will smell like body spray for a period of time. If you recently had a shaving accident and there is a small cut on your arm pits the body spray may sting a little because some body sprays have irritating ingredients.
Spray deodorant is a type of deodorant that comes in an aerosol can and is applied to the underarms by being sprayed onto the skin. It helps to reduce body odor by killing bacteria that cause sweat to smell.
Sweat under your arms is primarily caused by the body's natural response to regulate temperature. When the body temperature rises, the sweat glands under the arms produce sweat to cool down the body. Additionally, factors such as stress, anxiety, and physical activity can also trigger sweat production in this area.
they can be checked by keeping them in under arms
only one teaspoon of spray is in there body
Hair grows everywhere on your body except on places like your lips and your eyes.......
Where can l get the body spray sleepy lagoon by stowaway
the advantage of body spray is that you have no bad odor.
The term "under arms" typically refers to the area of the body beneath the arms where the armpits are located. It is also commonly used to refer to the act of carrying or holding a weapon, particularly firearms.
Their blood starts to burn off their body and some times their pigments may leak off (I tried this on a ladybug)
It depends what body spray. He should be okay as long as it wasnt a lot.
Positioning can cause nerves to be pinched in your cervical spine of the neck; usually your c3-c5 vertebrae. Too many pillows under your head or sleeping with your arms above or under your body will do this as well.