There is not really any consequences for occasionally pulling out gray hairs but may be bad for your scalp overtime. Consider a dye from your local store or seeing a licensed hair stylist.
Nothing happens when you pluck a gray hair
Wrinkles Aches Sags Gray Hair White hair
do not pull it for it grows back in 5 to 6 more hairs try to dye it
Depending on how light the brown and the gray is. You'll probably get an ashy brown if it doesn't have a redish tone
Getting grey hair is purely biological. It happens to everyone eventually.
The haIr come out with a rout which is the white thing at the bottom. The rout keeps it is so when you pull you hair out it has to regrow from scratch. Nothing much happens like nothing bad. It will regrow pretty much in the same way that it was. Hoped it helped a bit. :)
There is something called gray hair as there is both black , white and that hair in between black and white is seen as gray hair.
Gray hair is not dead hair. It is hair that has lost its pigment, resulting in a gray or white color. The hair follicle is still alive and continues to grow, but with less pigment production.
Hair turns gray as people age due to a decrease in melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving hair its color. As we age, our hair follicles produce less melanin, causing hair to appear gray or white.
it gets more sleepy and gets more gray hair and less em mused