you lose blood
you will die and never have sex again
When the artery walls lose their elasticity, this is called arteriosclerosis. When this happens, the body has a tougher time circulating blood.
this mostly happens with multi-cellular organisms and red blood cells. Red blood cells lose their nucleus.
You can lose your license. Most jurisdictions run an implied consent in order to have a license, which means you lose it if you don't comply.
Oxidized blood refers to blood that has been exposed to oxygen and has changed color from a bright red to a darker, brownish-red color. This typically happens when blood is outside of the body and begins to lose its oxygen content.
Skin that is continuously pinched can lose blood circulation. This can cause death of the tissues to occur in some cases.
an old person has less blood cells, when this happens bones lose the strength that they used to have.
I say you would have to lose half of your blood to lose consencnes, not sure about eyesight
That often happens in a vampire's case, although they don't intend for that to happen. They prefer the blood to be thick and rich, slowly causing their prey to lose blood.
you lose conciousness. if the accident is severe you may lose a specific function
What happens if i lose my phone in the house and it is nowhere to be found?