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Q: What happens when you litter too much?
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Is wet tail contagious to hamsters?

Very much so! To the point that if it happens to one in a litter then you must get the whole litter treated immediately by a vet!

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Why would you bury a dog in litter

How do I stop ferret from throwing litter out of box?

its possible there too much litter in the box my ferret did the same thing til i took out some of the litter or if its a younger ferret its possible he s just playing in it

What happens when there is too much or too little water?

if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came

What happens when there is too much rain?

When there is too much rain, it can lead to flooding, which can damage homes, infrastructure, and crops. Excessive rainfall can also cause soil erosion, landslides, and water pollution. Additionally, it can disrupt transportation and utilities, posing risks to public safety.

What happens if you do too much exercise?

you can die

What happens if you have too much in your diet?

you get FAT

What happens if you get too much calcium?

If you get too much calcium you may get calcium deposits on your bones.

What happens when you have too little or too much Glutamate?

it can have effects on your memory

What happens when you shout too much?

You won't be able too speak.

When is a cat too old to have a litter?

Cats can safely have litters until about 8-10 years of age. After this age, pregnancy and birthing complications become more common, and it is recommended to spay older cats to prevent health issues.

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