Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications, dietary supplements should be taken only under the supervision of a knowledgeable healthcare provider. Individuals with heart or kidney disease should not take magnesium supplements except under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. It is extremely rare to overdose on magnesium from food alone. However, people who consume excessive amounts of milk of magnesia (as a laxative or antacid) or Epsom salts (as a laxative or tonic) may overdose on this mineral, especially if they have kidney problems. Too much magnesium can cause serious health problems including nausea, vomiting, severely lowered blood pressure, slowed heart rate, deficiencies of other minerals, confusion, coma, and even death. More common side effects from magnesium include upset stomach and diarrhea. Magnesium competes with calcium for absorption and can cause a calcium deficiency if calcium intake levels are already low. From the University of Maryland Medical Center website:
It gets excreted by your kidneys since they are very effective in eliminating excess magnesium from your blood, however, patients with renal failure or impaired kidney function can suffer from an overdose of magnesium, where its symptoms include:
* Weakness * Nausea & Vomiting * Hypotension, which later on can lead to shock * Irregular breathing * Arrhythmia & Asystole, since it causes conduction delays in the heart, being a calcium channel blocker
Higher concentrations of magnesium in the blood can eventually lead to a complete heart block and later on a cardiac arrest.
It depends how much you eat but for sure, you may burp and fart a bit. then later have some sort of fever. Then pain in the gut and some anxiety of thinking off death (Maybe a mental thing). If you eat to much could lead to an overdose of magnesium, however depends how the amount you have in the blood though.
I eat a 2 gram piece, so experience of it.
Magnesium citrate pulls water into the bowls. Too much magnesium citrate = many visits to the bathroom.
It causes death
Magnesium is a mineral, not a vitamin. It is essential to good health, but like everything else, too much is bad. It's the Goldilocks Principle; too much, too little, and "just right". The "just right" amount for magnesium is about 400 milligrams per day depending on age and weight, somewhat less for children. Magnesium is found in most green leafy vegetables and nuts.
magnesium oxide is formed
Yes, consuming too much magnesium can indeed cause loose bowels. Magnesium is a natural laxative and when taken in excess, it can draw water into the intestines, leading to diarrhea. It is important to follow recommended daily intake levels for magnesium to avoid gastrointestinal issues.
if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came
it is a combustion reaction or oxidation snce it happens with oxygen.
you can die
you get FAT
it can have effects on your memory
You won't be able too speak.
If you get too much calcium you may get calcium deposits on your bones.