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It is very bad for your health. You get gas problems resulting in chest pain. Its better to discard it rather than eating and falling sick. Eat less but make sure u eat fresh food.

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Q: What happens when you eat stale food?
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What happens when you eat stale bread?

Nothing. Stale bread is perfectly safe to eat because it is simply not as moist as fresh bread.

What do Rhode Island reds eat?

They eat everything that other chickens eat, as long as it is not stale

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Your tounge turns green

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if their anything like slugs, i would say stale beer and anykind of fruits

From the book The Cay by Theodore Taylor what food did they eat?

Well they ate the stale busciuts and stale cholate but in the island they found lobsters and coconut meat and milk hope this helped

Can rats eat bread?

Yes, rats can eat bread. They seem to like hard, stale bread best. rats can eat almost any healthy foods that you eat. No fast food, junk food or chocolate.

Is it safe to eat oatmeal that smells bad or stale?

It's not worth the risk of possibly getting food poisoning.

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they probably would not eat but if they had the chance they would eat stale bread! if Jude equiv we Jeffery gifts fug use Huff

Which sense organ will help shalu to find out whether the food is stale or not?

Eyes, nose and tongue help salu to find the food is stale or not

Why stale food has pecullar smell?

Stale food develops a peculiar smell due to the breakdown of fats and oils in the food by oxygen and heat. This process, called oxidation, results in the formation of rancid compounds that give stale food its distinctive odor. Additionally, bacteria and mold growth on stale food can also contribute to the unpleasant smell.