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When you routinely do not get the right amount of sleep, you may have daytime drowsiness, trouble concentrating, irritability, increased risk of falls and accidents, and lower productivity

Deep sleep also known as (REM sleep - dreaming stage), regulates mood your mood. Lack of sleep can make you irritable, affect your emotions, social interaction, and decision making. Severe sleep deprivation affects motor skills such that it is similar to driving while intoxicated.

A lack of sleep may cause your immune system to become weakened, and the body becomes more susceptible to infection or disease.

Other signs of inadequate sleep

- difficulty waking up in the morning

- poor performance in school, on the job, or in sports

- increased clumsiness

- difficulty making decisions

- falling asleep during work or class

- feeling especially moody or irritated

Sleep deprivation may be dangerous to you and to others since it can affect your motor skills while operating machinery, such as when driving. Chronic sleep deprivation is thought to cause long term changes to the body, contributing to an increased risk for obesity, Heart disease and Diabetes .

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Is rem sleep deep?

3/13/2012 jhh: REM sleep is NOT deep sleep. In fact, it is the lightest stage of sleep. In order from awake to deep sleep: AWAKE, REM, LIGHT, DEEP. Deep sleep and REM sleep are the most important stages though. Light sleep doesn't do much for you. Deep replenishes your body, while REM replenishes your mind. Older answer (not accurate): Yes. It is the deeper form of sleep that we experience during our sleep cycle, rem sleep is where dreaming occurs But not the deepest sleep, which would be delta. That's where, unless your a mother and hear your baby cry, you are oblivious to your environment.

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