When you don't drink enough water, you get dehidrated. That leads to ecssesive vomiting , if you wait over 2 weeks,death can happen.
When a cell is in a low water environment. Water moves down its concentration gradient out of the cell. The cell shrinks and dies.
Have a check for diabetes drink enough water dont drink too much alcohol.
i dont know try it and tell me what happens
It's when you dont drink enough water and you feel sick and weird.
yes if you dont drink enough water
Yes, if you dont drink enough water!
short form: you become dehydrated and eventually, if you quit drinking water all together, you die. more explained: if you dont get enough water you will obviously become very dehydrated. But if you quit drinking water or water products all together you will also become very ill and eventually will come to the end.. death. water is a number one source of nutrition! you need it to saty healthy and have a happy life! DRINK WATER; BE HEALTHY~! :D
you get rabies
dont drink them there mine youll die now go away
you will feel cold and you wont have enough energy
You'll have added a lot of calories that you won't use up to the body. If you do it often enough you run the risk of becoming overweight.
you are strange for drinking hot water in the first place lmfao?:$ freaaakkkKangareuben says: lol i dont flipping drink boiling water! i just wondered: could you boil some potatoes inside your belly? :-?