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we can save the trees and the more trees we save the more oxygen we have and the longer we can stay alive and save the worls and stop global warming.

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Q: What happens when you do recycle?
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What happens to used car batteries?

they get recycle

What happens to ozone layer if you do not recycle things?

If you do not recycle, pollution will increase. This will further increase ozone depletion.

How does recycle happens?

Cans get to the make and then do into more cans.

What happens to the rubbish if you don't recycle?

We will be filled with wastes.

What happens when you recycle electronics?

They get turned into new electronics.

What happens when you click a files icon and then select the delete option?

recycle bin

What happens if you don't recycle plastic?

If you don't recycle plastic then it is thrown into a landfill. Once in the landfill it will be buried with other trash which pollute groundwater.

What happens when you recycle a plastic bag?

First of all you should be knowing that Plastics cannot be recycled.Hence if they don't recycle nothing happens except pollution. Answer Many stores do have bins where you can return them. That keeps them off of the streets. It also makes it possible to recycle them since they are clean and separate from other recyclables.

What happens to the community if you don't recycle?

well when people don't recycle the land fills began 2 ple up and we don't breathe clean air

What happens to people who recycle?

Nothing. They just get the feeling inside them that they did something right to our earth.

What happens when you reycycle?

When you recycle you it helps the world a better place and it makes our world greener.

What happens if you don't recycle cans and foil?

I guess it all just goes to waste..