telling the future
Online? Well she will probably be laughing a lot, like say 'lol' or 'haha' to a lot of things. She will be sassy and seem to agree with you on a lot of things.
There are many things that can be true about enhancing your learning in an online course. You could say that this is an opportunity for you to look up extra information online.
There are many things that can be true about enhancing your learning in an online course. You could say that this is an opportunity for you to look up extra information online.
you walk up to them, say hi and say things about yourself. its not hard don't be nervous and be confident
people either look it up on the Internet or try random things until something happens
NEVER say yes to meeting with them i mean seriously it could be a 50 year old pervert i mean do u really want sum of that.
Easy, you go home think about it and dream if you say yes. If you like your dream and you know him, you can say yes. Otherwise say no. If you dont like him anyways imedeitly say no, things will go from there. (-_-) XD
Torture them forever! I tortured my parents for 3 years .Say things like"Sophie has hamster.Its cute and soft and ......."
After your purchase your order online, the seller will mail you your product.
Accidit - it happens.