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peristaltic movement too fast causes diarrhea,Your intestines start in your mouth by way of tongue,which it starts peristaltic movement down into esophagus.Where as the food enters stomach and hydrochloric acid which the stomach produces to break down food. Than it continues by way of peristaltic movement to get to small intestine.The small intestine than absorbes the nutrient's the body needs,than with peristaltic movement goes into the large colon which accumlates all waste products from food,through peristaltic motion than sends the waste to sigmoid (which is shaped like a S)intestine which is between the large colon and the rectum.Causes can be from stress, IBS, spinal nerve damage,diverticulitis,allergy to certain foods,alcohol,food poisoning,drug interaction.

Peristaltic slowness is constipation, which means the peristaltic nerves are not working normal.The intestine's nerve's stop and hold fecal matter,which in turns back up all foods entering into mouth. This can be from medications, IBS, diverticulitis,gallbladder,foods that are hard to digest-meats,cheese. Also, nerve damage from spine,obstruction of intestine which can be a twisted part of the intestine that closes upon it self,so only liquid's can only pass though.Also tumors,diverticuli,growing out from the inside wall of the intestines.The diverticuli look like a lollipop,the stem looks like the handle of the lollipop than grows to the end which looks like the top of a lollipop. The fecal matter than goes into the diverticuli and becomes infected and pressure than burst through the top of diverticuli. The body than goes into a attack mode which grows a layer of fat around the area where the infection came out of the diverticuli,to contain it from further damage to the body. Next it goes into stomach cavity which than proceeds to enter the blood stream,which than turns the blood septic or blood poisoning. This can cause the death of a person when it reaches this point within a week to ten days. The only recourse is to get person to hospital as soon as possible,where as they will take a blood count/other blood work. In hospital patient than is hooked up to IV's and antibiotics, some being four different antibiotics at the same time plus potassium.This treatment usually takes 13 days before they can operate on the intestine.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You will either have diarrhea or you will be constipated.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

you feel sick

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