The Path Of Alcohol In The Body:
Chagas disease is when an insects faeses enters the bloodstream!
white blood cells treat the vaccine as an intruder and make antibodies to fight it.
As oxygen enters the nose, it passes through the nasal cavity where it is filtered, warmed, and humidified. This process helps prepare the oxygen for entry into the lungs where it can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Nicotine enters your bloodstream when you inhale smoke from a cigarette or other tobacco product. The nicotine is absorbed through the lungs and quickly enters the bloodstream, reaching the brain within seconds.
If a Sharpie enters the bloodstream, it can potentially cause serious health issues, such as toxicity, inflammation, and infection. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if this occurs.
The organism is multiplying in the bloodstream, unchecked by the immune system.
An embolus will form in the bloodstream when a foreign substance enters.
Oxygen enters the blood from the lungs through the process of gas exchange where it diffuses into the bloodstream from the alveoli. In the lungs, carbon dioxide exits the bloodstream and is expelled from the body through exhalation.
If fiberglass fibers get into the bloodstream, they can cause irritation and inflammation of the blood vessels. In severe cases, this can lead to blood clots or blockages in the vessels. It is important to seek medical attention if fiberglass enters the bloodstream.