He will end up saying "You Go Girl," snap his finger, and place his other hand on his hip because the drink is so refreshing!
Then don't go to sad movies
no, no no, and NO!!!! it is not right to break the law and harm your body for a guy
Forget about that guy because if you go out with him than you know he will cheat on you really bad im a girl take my advie i have friends that the sam thing happens to them
Go for the guy
The girl should go home and cry
"Say, would you like to go have a drink and talk?"
go out there and look for another guy...
It's ok for a girl to go to a dance with a guy but if the girl likes the guy you may want to go to the dance with her not him!!!
if a guy likes a girl he will stay around you alot, He will probably follow you every where you go
It all depends on the girl and the guy.
if they have sex yes
A maniac brutally attacks you and chops your head off with an axe.