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Q: What happens to your body when you have a hot bath or shower?
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You must have taken a hot shower.

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You pulled your muscles that hold up your body in the lumbar region. Rest them and a hot tub bath or shower will help.

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your body is cold because the air around you is colder than the water in a shower or bath unless you are taking a hot bath.---------------------AND when water evaporates it absorbs heat, taking that heat away from you.

Do you get cleaner in a hot shower or cold shower?

Hot because the hot will burn the germs off of your body

Blotchy skin after bath?

There are 2 things that can cause blotchy skin after taking a bath or shower. You are either mildly allergic to the soap you are using or you simply took a very hot, steamy shower.

After workout should take a bath or shower?

If it is a normal workout, then a shower is best in my opinion. However, if there is extreme soreness, or you feel there may me some muscles that were strained, a good hot bath would be better.

What are the four types of baths in a roman bath house?

There is the normal bath, the pool, the sauna and the shower.

What is this red blotchy spots on your legs after you take a hot shower or go out in the sun?

I get those when I take a hot shower too, apparently it happens when the water is too hot.

Your 26 havent had a period in40 days and im not pregnant help?

take a hot shower or bath

When you are having a hot bath thermal energy transfers from your body to the hot warter yesno?

There are hot baths in Iceland where the water temperature is at our body temperature or slightly higher. If you take a bath in water at these temperatures your body will not lose heat to the bath water. At temperatures lower than body temperature it will.

If you are sick should you take a bath?

Yes, the hot water and steam will open up your sinuses. A hot shower would be even better.

Can a hot bath cause your temperature to rise?

Yes. The average temperature for a bath or shower is warmer than core body temperature. If a body is left in the tub for long periods of time, body temperature will begin to rise, just like anything else. Your body will react to maintain homeostasis, but its usually not enough to stop the rising temperature. Suggestion? Run a cooler bath, or add cold water if you are feeling too hot. If you are giving a bath to an infant, look at skin color, if the skin is really red, you should be lowering the temperature of the bath water. If you are wondering how hot a bath should be, run some water on the inside of your forearm, that is the most sensitive part of your arm. If its warm, its perfect :)