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He gets up and runs to the ocean to cool down.

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Q: What happens to timothy when he gets that devil d fever?
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What happens to timothy when he gets that devil fever The Cay?

Timothy dies from the fever, leaving Phillip alone on the cay. Phillip must now rely on his own resources to survive and come to terms with his own prejudices and fears.

What happens when your body temperatures gets to high?

You get a fever. If it goes up to, like, 104 degrees F then you die.

What if a Poptropica person gets fever?

A poptropica person never gets a fever.

What happens if the body temperature gets to high?

you either die or get hyperthermia or you just get a bad fever that leads to other things

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What is the duration of Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever?

The duration of Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever is 1.42 hours.

What happens to Sarah in the devil movie?

She gets her throat cut, lives until the old woman tells Tony that she wanted him. She dies in Tony's arms.

What happens if infant develops a fever of 100.1 and has Laryngomalacia should I be concerned?

well of 100.11 fever you should take chanrge.if its gets higher than 104.5 take to the hosital.if your a kid like me trying to cure this than look up under fever facts 101.

When was Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever created?

Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever was created on 1939-07-21.

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How tall can a jersey devil get?

The Jersey devil gets up to 8 or 9 feet high.

Is yellow fever also called jaundice?

No, jaundice is one of the complications that some people get with yellow fever. Not everybody who gets yellow fiver gets jaundice.