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only what cell develop into egg cell, reproduce cell

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12y ago

i would think they just sorta disappear. theres no use for them so...

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Q: What happens to the polar bodies as a result of oogenesis?
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Which process result in the production of polar bodies?


Final product of oogenesis is one?

The final product in oogenesis is one egg and three polar bodies.

In animals polar bodies are formed as a result of what?

Polar bodies are formed during oogenesis as a result of unequal cytokinesis, where the cytoplasm is unevenly divided during the cell divisions that give rise to eggs. These polar bodies do not have the ability to develop into offspring but help to provide nutrients to the developing egg cell.

How many daughter cells produced in oogenesis?

In oogenesis, one daughter cell is produced as a result of each cell division. This leads to the formation of one functional egg cell (ovum) and polar bodies during the process of oogenesis.

At the end of oogenesis how many eggs are produced?

In humans 1 egg and 3 polar bodies

What happens during oogenesis?

During oogenesis, a diploid cell undergoes two rounds of cell division to produce a single haploid egg cell. Oogenesis involves the growth and maturation of the egg cell within the ovaries, along with the process of meiosis to reduce the chromosome number. It also includes the formation of polar bodies, which are smaller cells that contain extra genetic material and are eventually discarded.

What are the 3 other products of meiosis called?

The three other products of meiosis are two haploid cells called polar bodies in females and a single haploid cell in males. These are produced alongside the four haploid daughter cells that result from meiosis.

The final product of oogenesis is one?

The final product of oogenesis is one mature egg cell (ovum).

What nonviable cell is produced by oogenesis?

In oogenesis, polar bodies are nonviable cells produced as a byproduct of meiotic division. They are smaller cells that contain a copy of genetic material but very little cytoplasm. Polar bodies are not involved in fertilization and eventually degenerate.

Is the polar body a haploid cell?

Yes, polar bodies are haploid cells. They are produced during oogenesis when the cytoplasm of the primary oocyte is unequally divided during meiosis, resulting in one large secondary oocyte and two smaller polar bodies.

What is the difference between ootid and polar bodies?

Ootid is the final stage in oogenesis before maturation into an ovum, containing half the genetic material of the parent cell. Polar bodies are small cells produced during oogenesis that contain genetic material but typically do not develop into functioning eggs.

Oogenesis ultimately produces how many cells?

Oogenesis ultimately produces one viable egg cell and three non-functional polar bodies.