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well we know it OS important to get plenty of fluids in our system and if u are lacking fluids you could possibly have a heat stroke or get dehydrated which will make u tired and drowsy and feeling very uncomfortable and could possibly send you to the emergency room.

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Q: What happens to our bodies if we don't get enough water?
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What happens when you dont get enough water?

When you don't get enough water, your organs start to dry out which is called dehydration. When you are dehydrated, you can potentially faint. If someone is ever in this position they should go immediately to the hospital to get intravenous fluids immediately.

What happens if you dont get enough water in your body?

You could become dehydrated, and die from thirst. The human body is mostly made up of water, and when a person looses too much water, they can die.

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your blood cells will be weak and you will be sick.

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they begin to die, for example if you dont get enough air what will happen to you?

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ok i dont know dont ask

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well... i dont exactly know, but if you leave it in the sun long enough, the water might dry up, or cover it up when ur not using it so that if it rains nothing happens :)

Does Planet Mars have bodies of water?

We dont know if Mars has any type of water. But we do believe that there is a trace of water somewhere.