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Q: What happens to a person if he loses too much water?
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Water gains and loses heat much more quickly than land.

What can happen if someone loses integrity?

Person won't care much about anything. Depressed.

How much water a day is lost thru breathing?

On average, a person loses about 400-500 milliliters of water per day through breathing. This water loss occurs primarily through exhalation as the body humidifies the air we inhale.

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How much weight is 40-50000 cells of skin as you said that is what skin cells we lose each day?

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How much weight is 40-50000 cells of skin as you said that is what skin cells we lose each day.?

in a discussion about psoriasis a friend said her husband was told he loses 28 times as much skin with his psoriasis than a normal person loses so my question was how much does a normal person lose?

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What is the common name for shigella dysenteiae bacteria?

The common name for Shigella is Dysentery. This causes a severe, watery diarrhea. A person loses so much water it is fatal. This disease also is caused by an amoeba.

What happens if you dont get enough water in your body?

You could become dehydrated, and die from thirst. The human body is mostly made up of water, and when a person looses too much water, they can die.

What happen to the stomata if the plant loses too much water?

If a plant loses too much water, the stomata will close to prevent further water loss through transpiration. This helps the plant conserve water and maintain proper hydration levels. Closed stomata can also lead to reduced gas exchange and hinder photosynthesis.

What happens if to much water is in a cell?

Too much water inside a cell will cause it to burst.

How much lean weight the average person in the US loses each year starting at the age 25?

.5 pounds