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Q: What happens if your body gets too much energy?
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What happens to your body if you take up to much energy?

It gets tired. your body goes to rest.

What happens when your body gets to much of fat?

youll eplode.

What happens if human body gets too much chlorine?

you die

What happens to the energy in a consumer body when it dies?

Much of the energy is consumed by decomposers.

What happens your body gets too much minerals?

Nothing bad will happen. the more it gets the better.

What happens if your body gets to much fat?

youll die or you might explode.

What happens to your body if it gets to much fat?

youll die or you might explode.

What happens to the energy a herbivore gets?

The use it to survive, move around, and reproduce much in the same way that the energy you get is used for your daily activities.

What determines the healthiness of food?

The thing that determines the healthiness of food is how much nutrients it contains. It also is how much energy your body gets from it.

Is efficiency the same thing as how much energy gets converted to electricity?

no, its how much energy gets converted to usable work.

What happens if the body gets too much water?

You won't die if thats what you are wondering. you will either pee it out, or if it's way too much you might puke it up.

A pulse sent down a long string eventually dies away and disappears.What happens to its energy?

The energy is dissipated. That means it is absorbed, and somehow converted to other forms of energy. Typically, much of this dissipated energy gets converted into heat.