

Best Answer

Buy a better test kit or go to a real doctor. Try a doc-in-a-box if you're afraid he'll tell your parents, but ya gotta be 18. Otherwise , ya gotta tell your folks. Herpes can't be cured, ya know. You'll have it for life and you can give it to every sexual partner you'll even have.

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Q: What happens if your Herpes test comes back neather positive nor Negative?
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Related questions

Is herpes simplex gram positive or gram negative?

Herpes simplex virus is neither gram positive nor gram negative, as it is a virus and doesn't have a cell wall like bacteria do.

What does low positive herpes mean?

A low positive herpes titer is evidence of past exposure to the virus. It can't tell you whether you have oral herpes, as most adults do, or genital herpes, or some other form.

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Is there testing for exposure to herpes even if you test negative?

Unfortunately, no.

Can you have positive results in hiv if you have herpes?

Yes you can, if you are infected with the virus.

If you have herpes or have had the chickenpox does that mean that you are CMV positive?

No, cytomegalovirus is a separate virus from Varicella Zoster virus (the one that causes chickenpox) and herpes simplex virus (which causes genital herpes and cold sores and related illnesses). It is possible to have all three at the same time, but they are separate viruses and if you have herpes or have had the chickenpox, it does not mean that you are CMV positive.

What happens after a hermit crab lays eggs?

They hatch into mini herpes and then come and infect us all. And that's where herpes come from.

What happens if you kiss a boy 500 times a day?

Herpes could develop

Can you be tested and the test is negative for herpes and still have it?

I believe that herpes can only be tested for by swabbing the lesion. There is no blood test for herpes according to my Dr. So, therefore, all blood will come back negative for herpes. Regardless of the true status of the testee. There is of course a blood test for herpes. Herpes is a viral infection in your blood streamso obviously, a blood test would be able to tell you if you have the virus or not. I'm not sure how long/soon after possible contact you should get a blood test that will give you an accurate reading but there are two ways to test if you have herpes: 1. If you have something that looks like a possible herpes outbreak then you can go to your Doctor and have him or her take a test swab. He or she will look at it under a microscope and can determine if it is herpes. Or2. Get your blood drawn and ask your Doctor to test specifically for herpes. It takes about 5-6 days to receive the verdict but I'd trust a blood test over anything.Good Luck!

What does HSV mean in personal ads?

In a personal ad, HSV or HSV positive means the person posting the ad has herpes and wants you to know before you respond to the ad.The herpes simplex virus, also known as HSV, is an infection that causes herpes. Herpes can appear in various parts of the body, most commonly on the genitals or mouth. There are two types of the herpes simplex virus. HSV-1, also known as oral herpes, can cause cold sores and fever blisters around the mouth and on the face. HSV-2 is generally responsible for genital herpes outbreaks Login for more information

What happens when you kiss a girl?

you instantly feel a sexual attraction to them and become one

Do you need to take medication if you have herpes?

No, taking medication is optional when you have herpes. Patients may choose to take medication to help with the discomfort of outbreaks and shorten their duration. They may also take medication daily to reduce the number of outbreaks and the possibility of transmitting the infection to partners.