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You could end up developing dermatitis

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Q: What happens if you wash your hands to much with soap?
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Related questions

How do you get soap for you hands?

You can buy soap from almost any supermarket wash your hands,with water.

What happens if you wash your hands too much?

If you over wash your hands, it can result in inflammation suck as ezcema and dermatitis.

How do you use of soap? wash your hands.

When you wash your hands with soap you are using an?

a base

If you get flash powder on your hands what do you do?

wash it of with water and soap

What to do if antifreeze gets on your hands?

Wash with soap and water.

Can you wash polyurethane off your hands with mineral spirits?

Yes, and then wash the mineral spirits off your hands with soap and warm water.

Can you wash your hands with soap prior to drug testing?

Yes, you can wash your hands prior to taking your drug test. You are actually required to wash your hands before testing under our company policy.

When was the first hand sanitizer on the market?

get soap and water then wash in your hands.

What should you do after touching raw ground meat?

wash your hands with soap.

What products should be used when you wash your hands?

soap and warm water

What happens if you don't wash your hands for a month?

your hands get dirty