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It gets clean, The natural oils are stripped away and it tends to become "dry".

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Q: What happens if you use liquid body soap on your hair?
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Is it ok to wash your hair with body wash?

Soap is soap.

What happens if you put soap in your hair?

It gets Cleaned.

What is shampoo?

It is when you rubb shampoo into your hair and wash it.

Which is more hygienic to use liquid soap or soap bars?

liquid soap. by using bar soap u spread germs from one persons body to yours...its also unclean to share foo foo's for the same reason..... so even though you may think that its fine to by bar soap because its soap and it will be clean think again and by liquid soap!

Does liquid body soap stain wash clothes?

Yes, liquid body soap can stain wash clothes if it is not fully rinsed out during the washing process. The ingredients in the soap can leave residue on the fabric, causing stains. It's important to follow the care instructions on the soap bottle and to ensure thorough rinsing when washing clothes that have come in contact with body soap.

Erection in shower?

Happens a lot. Just take that liquid soap and go to town.

Why should you use shampoo and not soap for cleaning hair?

Because soap has a special product for our hands and body called antibacteria and you don't want to put that in your hair do you?

What are eight example of liquid products sold by volume?

Water,gasoline,wax,mouthwash,shampoo,perfume,liquid soap,hair gel

How do you get plasticine out of your child's long hair?

Saturate with olive oil, comb out, wash with liquid dish soap.

Can hair dryers pop bubbles?

Yes. Warm air hair dryers tend to pop soap bubbles by drying them out. The bubble is a thin layer of liquid held together by surface tension, and soap keeps the liquid suspended longer than ordinary bubbles in water.

What is the liquid part of soap called?


Can dish washing soap joy be used as body wash and for hair?

No it's unsafe