you could get sick
If you take too much medicine, you can die. This is dangerous and is not something that should be taken lightly. See a doctor if you think you took too much medicine.
Too much dairy can sometimes result in a stomach ache. Especially if your Lactose Intolerant
Too much dairy can sometimes result in a stomach ache. Especially if your Lactose Intolerant
You can have Maalox, Myanta or Tums - Original. No rolaids. Yes, you can ask the pharmacist too as the previous person suggested. Have a chat with the pharmacist that is what he/she is trained for.
take a moist tow-let and wipe under your arms
1- you waste a lot of water=2- You can get dry skin=
what happens if you take too many power bars at once
Basically get jittery and slight chest pain . Bout it
if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came
you can die
you get FAT