Nothing if you swallow only a little; blindness, organ damage, and death if you drink a lot of it.
nothing happens
There is no reaction, you simply get a mixture of rubbing alcohol and methanol.
Everyone dies.
When you mix sugar and rubbing alcohol, the sugar will dissolve in the alcohol. This is because rubbing alcohol is a polar solvent that can effectively dissolve polar and non-polar substances like sugar.
If there is enough liquid, the sugar will dissolve, as rubbing alcohol is a mixture of water (about 30%) with an alcohol. Sugar is soluble in both liquids. * BTW, rubbing alcohol is poisonous. *
There is nothing good that can come of drinking 4 or more ounces of rubbing alcohol. You will get very sick.
Do you mean rubbing alcohol? If so, you will become very sick.
It is a mixture of denatured alcohol, water and agents added to make the alcohol unpalatable to drink and sometimes colorants. There are two common types of rubbing alcohol, Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol and Ethyl Alcohol Rubbing Alcohol.
It is a mixture of denatured alcohol, water and agents added to make the alcohol unpalatable to drink and sometimes colorants. There are two common types of rubbing alcohol, Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol and Ethyl Alcohol Rubbing Alcohol.
It will burn.
Rubbing alcohol is not an acid; it is actually an alcohol. Specifically, rubbing alcohol is typically composed of isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol).
Rubbing alcohol is poisonous.