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ANSWER: A person who is suffering from dilatation should avoid swallowing plum stones and cherry pits. The stomach of an adult German, was found, at the time of autopsy to contain 920 cherry pits and 17 plum stones, which had been retained for at least 8 or 9 months. Ironically herbal experts cite cherry pits crushed into tea form and used to complement Senna as an excellent laxative. Children also can be found out for their frauds by comparing their inabilities to swallow pills with the great ease of which they swallow cherry pits. There have been medical reports of cherry pits that germinated while in a persons intestinal tract. The cherry pits had sprouted! Just goes to show, when life gives you lemons, watch out for the cherry pits!

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16y ago
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9y ago

I think they're too big for that to be possible

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15y ago

As it can not be digested it will simply pass through you body.

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