High school kids tend to snort Ritalin, it's a cheap to alternative to "speed".
Being that Ritalin is an amphetamine you're heart beats quicker, you are more social, typical amphetamine type reactions etc etc....Ritalin is gross. If you snort Ritalin and have ADD/ADHD you won't get high.
Can you snort metadate and if so what happens?
it hurts... alot
Nothing. Codeine is processed through the liver. What happens when you snort T3s is a clogged nose and a bad taste in your mouth.
You turn into a pig *snort snort* Hey sexy xxx
you die
you would NOT be a Sweet Genius!
your nose will probably hurt, that's about it
No idea, but I bet it burns the nose!
well with my experience you die! DONT DO IT ciao
You die.