your blood pressure rises
You might die
Hyperlipoproteinemia occurs when there is too much lipid (fat) in the blood
ben cady and joey burns in bed
Eating too much pork can lead to high blood pressure. But it also has a lot of protein
Swallowling a little bit of blood is not bad. It happens naturally. Too much is not good, though.
Can't breath and you die cause your lungs with dry out too much .
elevated glucose value
Too much or too little sodium can cause cells to malfunction, and extremes in the blood sodium levels (too much or too little) can be fatal.
you explode and your organs melt in the heat and so does anyone around you
Mainly it'll raise their blood pressure.
They get a build up of sludge on the inside walls whic restrict the flow of blood. in extreme situations some of this stuf can come loose causing the blood to be cut of entirely. This can lead to Heart attacs strokes Thrombosis leading to the los of limbs and organs.