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Q: What happens if you inhale possum feces and urine for a long period of time say 4 to 6 weeks?
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What happens when you eat feces?


What happens to food materials that cannot be digested?

It is expelled as 'stool'. Stool is also known as feces.

What happens to the food when it passes through the rectum?

It will come out of the anus as feces.

Can you have feces come out your mouth?

No. Something is really wrong if that happens.

Why does feces have yellow capsule shaped matter in it?

if that happens then its corn. eat it

What effect does possum urine and feces have on a person with an autoimmune disorder?

While a Autoimmune disorder can cause problems for a person and the combination of possum urine and feces sounds like a reasonably foul concoction it should not prove to be more of a problem then under any other circumstance. The biggest problem for people with autoimmune diseases is the treatment they are undergoing for it, as these often lead to a lowering of resistance to disease. However these people are in more danger from their fellow humans that are prone to carry the diseases that humans carry.

Does feces freeze?

Yes, feces can freeze if exposed to low enough temperatures for a prolonged period of time. However, the exact freezing point can vary depending on the moisture content of the feces.

Can you die from feces?

No. Not unless you ate something poisonous and then ate your feces, but if it was a poison that would make you die... You would be dead before you could eat your crap. It also depends what happens between you and the feces. If you shove a bunch of it in your mouth, then yeah, you'll die. But if you just touch it or eat it, then no, you cannot die from feces. But if it is something else's feces, then there is a slim chance.

What happens to food material that cannot digestion?

It is expelled as 'stool'. Stool is also known as feces.

What is the Renaissance word for poop?

The word for "poop" during the Renaissance period was likely "excrement" or "feces."

What happens when your colon becomes paralyzed?

Called paralytic ileus. Basically if you keep eating you will vomit feces.

What happens if you poo in your pants?

You will need to change, unless you want to stay in your own feces all day.