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Probably nothing, because the amounts of iodine needed to be ingested is so high that it is difficult to do. Iodine is important in our bodies for good health and especially for the health of our thyroid glands.

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14y ago

I took a little too much lugol's iodine supplement, and experienced some tightness in the upper chest, headache that lasts day after day and slight breathing problems simmilar to being low in oxygen. I took 10 drops of 2 percent per day. Do not take more than 3 drops and quit when you have the beginings of these signs.

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Q: What happens if you have too much iodine?
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How much iodine is safe if you are allergic to all fish?

If you're allergic to fish then getting sufficient iodine still shouldn't be too much of a problem. Seaweed contains iodine, as do some vitamin supplements.

Does spirulina affect hypothyroidism?

Spirulina can contain large amounts of iodine. Iodine is fuel for the thyroid. Eating too much iodine is similar to pouring gasoline on a fire.

What element was discovered when too much sulfuric acid was added to sea weed ash?

Iodine was discovered when too much sulfuric acid was added to sea weed ash by Bernard Courtois in 1811.

Discovered when too much sulfuric acid was accidentally added to seaweed ash?


Should you take iodine to improve memory or metabolism?

You should NOT take extra iodine!Iodine is found naturally in most foods, and is added to salt in many countries - TAKING TOO MUCH IODINE CAN POISON YOU!You only need about a teaspoonful of iodine IN YOUR LIFETIMEHere are the symptoms that you have taken too much iodine (alphabetical order):abdominal paincoughingdeliriumdiarrheafevermetallic taste in the mouthmouth and throat painno urine outputseizuresshockshortness of breathstuporthirstvomitingTaking too much iodine will also CAUSE THE THYROID GLAND TO BURN OUT and not work any more.Iodine is found in seafood- eating fish once a week will give you all the iodine you need. It is also found in many vegetables.Iodine is also in following products - I have seen these in MYTHS about improving memory, metabolism, and muscle mass - these myths are FALSECordarone/AmiodaroneLugol's SolutionPima SyrupPotassium IodideTincture of Iodine

What happens when yeast mixes with iodine?

It is supposed that iodine can kill some yeasts.

How many molcules are in iodine?

How much iodine...

What happens when there is too much or too little water?

if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came

What is iodine necessary for?

Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which are crucial for regulating metabolism, growth, and development in the body. A deficiency in iodine can lead to thyroid disorders such as goiter or hypothyroidism.

What happens if you do too much exercise?

you can die

What happens if you have too much in your diet?

you get FAT