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Q: What happens if you get too much LIPIDS?
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Where are lipids in the body?

Lipids are the same as fat. They are stored throughout your body and you get them from food. If you eat too much you will gain weight.

What is the cause of lipids?

Eating too much and doing less exercise.

What happens if you have to much lipids?

you could end up with the coronary artery daisies atherosclerosis or have obesity

Are lipids bad for you?

Lipids are a naturally occurring fat. Some fat is necessary for the body, but too much can cause obesity and other health problems.

What happens to lipids when they get dry?

They dry out.

What is a negative resualt in eatting to many lipids?

Lipids are a type of fat which means that eating more lipids will result in more fat being stored. The breaking down of lipids may also be affected if you eat too much as you don't have an unlimited supply of lipase which is used to break down lipids.

What illness are caused by too much lipids?

idiocy. get someone else to do your 7th grade Bio homework.

What are the side effects of Mayonnaise sauce?

weight gain, higher cholesterol

What happens to lipids when they place in water?

lipids are waterproof so the water just slides right off.

What happens when there is too much or too little water?

if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came

What happens if you do too much exercise?

you can die

What happens if you have too much in your diet?

you get FAT