If you eat spoiled eggs, what could happen is that you could get food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning include feeling or being sick, stomach pain and diarrhea.
what cause when eat spoiled cherries
Flies lay eggs in spoiled meat because it is moist. Also once the eggs hatch it provides the maggots with plenty of food to eat.
You will most likely get sick
You'll get very sick.
Houseflies eat sugar, decaying animals, spoiled eggs, food and flesh.
You eat them. As long as you don't eat too many, too often nothing bad happens. Eggs are good for you in moderation.
If you eat cold chicken or chicken that is spoiled or that has decayed, you might get diarrhea.SOURCE(s):My KFC Experience
You should NOT cook or eat ANY kind of spoiled meat.
Spoiled and covered with eggs and larvae of flies.
yes, daaaaaaaaaa it is SPOILED !
Flies will often lay eggs on spoiled meat because they are attracted to the smell of the meat. The meat will provide a place for the eggs to incubate and also a source of food once the larvae hatch.
other animals eat it