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U will glow in the dark , gain weight and crap bubbles ..... Only joking ur gonna die

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Q: What happens if you eat get mercury?
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What happens if mecury is released into the ocean?

Mercury released into the ocean can be transformed into methylmercury by microorganisms, which can accumulate in fish and ultimately pose risks to human health when consumed. It can also harm marine life and disrupt ecosystems, impacting organisms from plankton to apex predators. Managing mercury pollution in the environment is crucial to mitigate these harmful impacts.

What happens to the mercury in the thermometer when the air gets warm?

mercury explodes

What happens if Mercury hits earth?

If Mercury were to collide with Earth, it would result in catastrophic consequences, including massive destruction, widespread fires and earthquakes, and a global extinction event. The impact would likely create a large crater and release an enormous amount of energy. Thankfully, the likelihood of such an event is extremely low.

What happens when somebody inhales mercury?

through gills!!

How much mercury can a person eat?


Is it okay for a blue spotted stingray to eat mercury?

No. Mercury is highly toxic, even for rays.

What to eat if you lived in planet Mercury?

Nothing, it is impossible to sustain life on mercury. YOU WOULD DIE!!!

What happens if you go on mercury?

You will die!

What happens if you eat or touch arsenic?

Eating or touching arsenic can lead to severe poisoning, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and ultimately damage to the organs like the liver and kidneys. Ingesting or being exposed to high levels of arsenic can be fatal if not treated promptly.

What happens when you get Mercury poisoning?

Have you heard about mercury poisoning? people in china are slowly dying of mercury poisoning. due to energy saving light bulbs! do you know what the side effects of mercury poisoning are?

What would happen if you eat mercury?

YOu would die..

Do aliens eat fish?

No, the mercury back fires.