lollipop by lil Wayne
If you drink a coca cola that has been expired for over 8 years that is kept in an American glass bottle and has never been opened or attempted to be opened likely nothing negative will happen; it will just taste very bad.
well estimated it wud be around 2cm , but scientists have discovered over the years that if it was physically measured with a ruler it wud be mereley a cm that's how small lil waynes lollipop is
The oldest lollipop is estimated to be over 2,000 years old. It was found during an archaeological dig in Turkey and was made from honey.
No, this program expired over 10 years ago.
Your car will most likely be impounded, you'll be cited for driving a vehicle with expired tags, and it'll all end up costing you a lot of money in the end.
You go over to where snoopy is and help with the leaves. I hope I helped!
Renew the license with the appropriate state authority. Don't get caught working without it.
I used a 2005 neosporin to prevent infection, and my scratches GOT infected. I don't suggest anybody using expired neosporin over 3 years. my cuts are huring like hell right now with an expanding red halo
You can go and get your tags renewed. It is illegal to drive with expired tags and you can get pulled over and ticketed.
over years and years andyeaaaars it turns into a glacier.
You can do whatever you do with un-expired Adderall. When a drug has expired, it starts to lose it's efficacy. That means that it will become less and less strong over time.